2023 Newsletters - 2023-06-08
Hormonal Imbalance in Women
Welcome to the latest edition of our newsletter! In this edition, we delve into the significance of hormones, explore common hormonal imbalances in women, and highlight how our laboratory can help you gain a deeper understanding of your hormonal health.
Read more2023 Newsletters - 2023-06-05
Lactose intolerance
Lactose is a sugar primarily found in milk. Our bodies possess an enzyme called lactase, which is responsible for breaking down this sugar. However, individuals with lactose intolerance experience a reduced activity or absence of this enzyme. As a result, lactose is not properly digested, leading to varying degrees of digestive issues such as bloating, flatulence, intestinal cramps, and diarrhea.
Read more2023 Newsletters - 2023-05-18
World Hypertension Day 2023
The heart is the body’s most vital organ. When it beats, it pumps blood into the vessels which send the blood around the body. The force of pushing blood against the walls of the blood vessels is called the blood pressure. When the blood pressure is high, the heart has to pump harder to circulate blood around the body.
Read more2023 Newsletters - 2023-05-15
Allergies are a common health issue affecting millions of people worldwide. In this newsletter, we'll discuss the types of allergies, testing, management, and prevention.
Read more2023 Newsletters - 2023-04-03
Cholera Update
During the first week of February this year, the South African health authorities reported two cases of cholera in people returning from Malawi. Since then, four more infections have been notified to the NICD.
Read more2023 Newsletters - 2023-03-14
The Salty Truth
Salt is closely related to many aspects of human history. Its uses are vast ranging from being used to preserve and flavor food to being used to promote fertility in animals (1,2).
Read more2023 Newsletters - 2023-03-09
Kidney Health
Preparing for the unexpected, supporting the vulnerable!
In the spirit of this year’s theme let’s explain a short summary of what we need to know about the kidney.
2023 Newsletters - 2023-02-17
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Any sexually active person may be exposed to an STI and request to be screened. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends the following:
Read more2022 Newsletters - 2022-12-19
HPV and Cervical Cancer
HPV (Human Papillloma Virus) has been established as the cause of cervical cancer. It is spread through close sexual contact.
Read more2022 Newsletters - 2022-12-19
Health Screening for Men and Women
A wellness test is a medical investigation, such as a yearly physical check-up, which is aimed at preventing health problems in a healthy person.
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